Assigning macro to button

In the previous article, you already knew how to record.
Oh wait. Did you check the codes generated by your recorded macro?
If you did it, then you are ready for the next topic.

Instead of going back to View menu, macro just to run the macro, you can actually assign it to a button. Check the steps below.
1. In your saved workbook where your recorded macro is, create a box shape.
    Insert menu, then shape. Choose a shape as you like.
2. Add text inside the box.
This serves as your button.
3. Select the box then right click.
4. Select your macro name. Then click ok.

1. Put the cursor of your mouse in the box. If the arrow becomes hand pointer then you assign your macro successfully.
2. Clear the content of your current worksheet first.
3. Click the macro button you've just created.

In the next article, we will explore the VBA Editor.

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